Power conversion
Calex AC/DC and DC/DC converters are available to suit a wide range of applications.
Data Loggers
Excelog 6
6-channel handheld temperature data logger with touch screenContact Probes Data Logging Handheld Multi-Channel PRT Input Pt100 Input RTD Input Temperature Display Thermocouple Input Touch Screen Interface USBRead more -
Excelog One
Miniature handheld thermocouple data logger and simulatorContact Probes Data Logging Handheld Miniature Temperature Display Thermocouple Input USBRead more -
6-channel hub with data logging & alarms0-20 mA Output 4-20 mA Output Data Logging Networkable Relay Output RS485 Modbus Temperature Display Touch Screen Interface Voltage OutputRead more
Discontinued Products
Industrial Panel PCs (Discontinued – contact Calex for alternatives)
PM7P and PM10PData Logging Multi-Channel Networkable RS485 Modbus Touch Screen Interface USBRead more -
FibreMini (Superseded by FibreCube)
For metals, harsh environments and high ambient temperaturesRead more -
PyroUSB 2.2 (Superseded by PyroUSB [New Version])
Superseded by PyroUSB (New Version)Read more -
PyroUSB (Superseded by PyroUSB [New Version])
Superseded by PyroUSB (New Version)Read more -
PyroBus (Superseded by PyroMiniBus)
Superseded by PyroMiniBusRead more -
PyroPen Series (Discontinued – see ST680 Series)
Pen-style handheld IR thermometer (Discontinued)Measures Non-Reflective Surfaces Temperature DisplayRead more -
ST642 (Discontinued – see ST633)
Low-cost handheld IR thermometer with adjustable emissivity and Type K Thermocouple inputHandheld Low Temperature (-20 to 500°C) Measures Non-Reflective Surfaces Thermocouple Input Very Low Temperature (< -20°C)Read more -
ST680 Series (discontinued)
High-performance IR thermometerData Logging Handheld High Temperature (500 to 1000°C) Low Temperature (-20 to 500°C) Measures Non-Reflective Surfaces Thermocouple Input USB Very Low Temperature (< -20°C)Read more -
Pixsys DRR245 (Superseded by DRR244)
DIN rail mounted indicating controller4-20 mA Output Alarm Output Networkable PID Control RS485 Modbus Temperature Display Voltage OutputRead more -
Pixsys ATR142 (Superseded by ATR144)
4-digit indicating controllerAlarm Output PID Control RS485 Modbus Temperature DisplayRead more -
Pixsys ATR243 (Superseded by ATR244)
Multi-function indicating controller (discontinued - see ATR244)Alarm Output PID Control RS485 Modbus Temperature DisplayRead more -
32000 Series (Discontinued)
Open-frame linear power supplyPower SupplyRead more -
41000 Series (Discontinued)
DIN rail mounted, for instrumentationPower SupplyRead more -
52000 Series (Discontinued)
Chassis mounted linear power supplyPower SupplyRead more -
42000B Series (Discontinued)
DIN rail mounted linear power supplyPower SupplyRead more -
Calex DC-DC Converters
Power SupplyRead more -
Thermocouples and RTDs
4-20 mA Output Contact Probes Thermocouple Output Voltage OutputRead more
Power Conversion (Discontinued)
32000 Series (Discontinued)
Open-frame linear power supplyPower SupplyRead more -
41000 Series (Discontinued)
DIN rail mounted, for instrumentationPower SupplyRead more -
52000 Series (Discontinued)
Chassis mounted linear power supplyPower SupplyRead more -
42000B Series (Discontinued)
DIN rail mounted linear power supplyPower SupplyRead more -
Calex DC-DC Converters
Power SupplyRead more
Temperature Measurement (Discontinued)
Industrial Panel PCs (Discontinued – contact Calex for alternatives)
PM7P and PM10PData Logging Multi-Channel Networkable RS485 Modbus Touch Screen Interface USBRead more -
FibreMini (Superseded by FibreCube)
For metals, harsh environments and high ambient temperaturesRead more -
PyroUSB 2.2 (Superseded by PyroUSB [New Version])
Superseded by PyroUSB (New Version)Read more -
PyroUSB (Superseded by PyroUSB [New Version])
Superseded by PyroUSB (New Version)Read more -
PyroBus (Superseded by PyroMiniBus)
Superseded by PyroMiniBusRead more -
PyroPen Series (Discontinued – see ST680 Series)
Pen-style handheld IR thermometer (Discontinued)Measures Non-Reflective Surfaces Temperature DisplayRead more -
ST642 (Discontinued – see ST633)
Low-cost handheld IR thermometer with adjustable emissivity and Type K Thermocouple inputHandheld Low Temperature (-20 to 500°C) Measures Non-Reflective Surfaces Thermocouple Input Very Low Temperature (< -20°C)Read more -
ST680 Series (discontinued)
High-performance IR thermometerData Logging Handheld High Temperature (500 to 1000°C) Low Temperature (-20 to 500°C) Measures Non-Reflective Surfaces Thermocouple Input USB Very Low Temperature (< -20°C)Read more -
Pixsys DRR245 (Superseded by DRR244)
DIN rail mounted indicating controller4-20 mA Output Alarm Output Networkable PID Control RS485 Modbus Temperature Display Voltage OutputRead more -
Pixsys ATR142 (Superseded by ATR144)
4-digit indicating controllerAlarm Output PID Control RS485 Modbus Temperature DisplayRead more -
Pixsys ATR243 (Superseded by ATR244)
Multi-function indicating controller (discontinued - see ATR244)Alarm Output PID Control RS485 Modbus Temperature DisplayRead more -
Thermocouples and RTDs
4-20 mA Output Contact Probes Thermocouple Output Voltage OutputRead more
Excelog One
Miniature handheld thermocouple data logger and simulatorContact Probes Data Logging Handheld Miniature Temperature Display Thermocouple Input USBRead more -
Emissivity adjuster for PyroEpsilon4-20 mA OutputRead more -
PyroNet Z (Discontinued)
Wireless temperature measurement4-20 mA Output Ethernet Networkable Relay Output Voltage Output WirelessRead more -
PyroNet GSM (Discontinued)
Remote sensor telemetry systemAlarm Output Data Logging Networkable Relay Output WirelessRead more